Consulting on your terms – let’s start with a proper analysis

How can you streamline your logistics? Do you have a too high warehouse rent? Do you want to invest in e-commerce? Where are the bottlenecks? Talk to our skilled logistics consultants – they see your potential.

Consulting on your terms – let’s start with a proper analysis

How can you streamline your logistics? Do you have a too high warehouse rent? Do you want to invest in e-commerce? Where are the bottlenecks? Talk to our talented consultants – they see your potential.

Rådgivning, analys och beräkningar av en erfaren logistikkonsult

Are you at a crossroads? Our network includes a range of logistics experts who can help you with everything from logistics design and automation to training and purchasing. Welcome with your questions and ideas for the logistics industry’s game changer!

Rådgivning, analys och beräkningar

Are you at a crossroads? Our network includes a range of logistics experts who can help you with everything from logistics design and automation to training and purchasing. Welcome with your questions and ideas for the logistics industry’s game changer!

Hur mycket kan ni spara på outsourcing?

Let our logistics consultants help you do the math and create a thorough logistics analysis to help you make the right decisions.

  • The development takes place in two stages and profit taking, first operation in the customer’s premises and then moving to a new solution.
  • Future solution should be more automated and updated with new IT systems for easier integrations.
  • Savings from day 1 when Boxflow runs the business
  • The biggest saving occurs when moving to a new address, potential approx. 15%.
  • In years 1 and 2, the best solution is created for year 3 and beyond.

Framtida kostnadsutveckling

– Exempel på stegvis reducering av kostnad
  • The development takes place in two stages and profit taking, first operation in the customer’s premises and then moving to a new solution.
  • Future solution should be more automated and updated with new IT systems for easier integrations.
  • Savings from day 1 when Boxflow runs the business
  • The biggest saving occurs when moving to a new address, potential approx. 15%.
  • During 2022 and 2023, the best solution for 2024 and beyond is created.

Boxflow's logistics consultants - Let our logistics consultants streamline your warehouse

We at Boxflow can offer you logistics consultants in warehousing and logistics management. Hire us and an experienced logistics consultant will review your current logistics and develop a plan to improve it and increase the efficiency and quality of your warehouse. This in turn can reduce costs and improve the overall customer experience.

For e-commerce companies, our logistics consultants can also help develop an effective e-commerce logistics strategy. By analyzing customer needs and the supply chain, they can help your company implement a smooth delivery and returns process that improves customer satisfaction, which in many cases also leads to increased sales.

Working with logistics consultants can be particularly important if you have a smaller business that doesn’t have access to in-house logistics expertise. By hiring Boxflow’s logistics consultants, you get access to great expertise and advice. We help you grow and compete with larger companies in the market.